Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Criteria for award of scholarship under eVBAB is as follows:


Scholarships under e-VB are open to students who are nationals of Afghanistan.

Country of Residence

The applicant should be national of Afghanistan.


As on July 01 of the particular academic year the age of the applicant should be as under;
UG/PG - 18-35 Years

Academic Qualification

Candidates must possess minimum academic qualification for pursuing a particular programme/course, as defined by respective Indian Universities/Institutes. Applicants must check the eligibility criteria/ pre-requisites for admission to a particular programme/course on respective university portal and then apply.

Afghan students seeking admission under e-VB are initially required to register on the iLearn portal of the e-VB project ( by filling the following details:

  • Name:Enter the name exactly as given in National ID issued by Government of Afghanistan.
  • Mobile Number:Enter active mobile number to connect in case of any need in future.
  • Email:Enter active Email for regular communication in future.
  • Nationality:Scholarships under e-VB are open to students from Afghanistan.
  • Country of Residence:The applicant should be national of Afghanistan.

It may be noted that all the above fields shall be pre-filled while applying later on the respective University portal.

On successful registration on iLearn portal (, applicants need to select the University and Programme, in which he/she is interested, on the iLearn portal.

Thereafter, the applicant gets re-directed to respective University portals which are integrated with iLearn portal. Applicants needs to apply on the portal of the respective Indian University/Institute by filling the application form and uploading the mandatory documents.

The criteria/pre-requisites for admission in these Universities/Institutes may be referred to on respective University website by the applicant.

Indian Universities/educational Institutes are autonomous and independent bodies and have their own eligibility criteria. It is therefore for students to satisfy themselves about the programme/ course chosen and about the Universities.

The following documents/transcripts/certificates have to be uploaded with the application form:

  1. Valid academic records/ transcripts/ certificates, as required by respective Indian University/Institute.
  2. Valid National ID with photograph and Date of Birth. The National ID must have validity till the last date of enrolment.
  3. Incomplete/ineligible applications in any respect shall be liable to be rejected.
  4. Applicant should ensure that the format of scanned documents should be in .jpeg/.jpg/.png format and size should be between 50KB to 250 KB. Applicant should upload photograph, academic records and national ID at appropriate place in the application form in the suggested format and size.

While the application form needs to be filled after carefully reading all the instructions on the portal of the respective Indian University/Institute, the following are the general instructions for filling the application form:

  1. The application form must be filled in ENGLISH language.
  2. ONLY one application per candidate is allowed.
  3. Applicants must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility requirements for application, i.e. education, age, nationality etc. Grant of scholarship benefit is subject to verification of facts from submitted certificates/documents.
  4. Size of the Passport size Photograph should be 50 to 250 Kb.
  5. Name: The name shall be prefilled in the application as provided at the time of registration on iLearn portal.
  6. Gender: Please select/write as appropriate.
  7. Date of Birth: Enter the date, month and year of your birth as recorded in the National ID.
  8. Nationality: Select/write your appropriate citizenship option.
  9. Country of Residence: Select/write your appropriate country of residence.
  10. Name of Parent/Guardian: Enter the complete name of your parent(s).
  11. Complete Postal Address: Applicant should enter complete postal address, mobile number, email address to which all future correspondence is to be sent by Indian Universities/Institutes, Indian Mission Abroad and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India.
  12. Passport/National ID details: Provide details of Passport or any other National ID and enclose a copy of the same.
  13. Mobile Number: The mobile number shall be prefilled in the application as provided at the time of registration on iLearn portal.
  14. Email: The Email shall be prefilled in the application as provided at the time of registration on iLearn portal.
  15. Declaration by applicant: Applicants must provide declaration to Indian Universities/Institutes that they are not enrolled in any other ongoing programme/ course under e-VB project.
  16. [Note: Students who have already obtained a degree under e-VB project (at the time of announcement of new academic session) and willing to avail scholarship under e-VB project for pursuing another degree, may apply afresh through iLearn portal to process their application]

  17. In case of any clarification, the applicant may contact
  18. Applications shall be complete in every detail to avoid rejection of the same.
  19. In case of documents available in local language, applicants are requested to upload certified copies of translations of these documents in English.
  20. In order to avoid rejection from Universities/Institutes, applicants are advised to make their subject choices carefully, based on the subjects they have studied at Higher Secondary.

Step by Step Guidelines for enrolment for respective Indian Universities is available at this link Step by Step Guidelines for enrolment for respective Indian Universities is available at this link

The applications received ONLINE will be screened by respective Indian Universities/Institutes for eligibility of admission of applicant in the applied programme/course and stream; respective Indian Missions abroad for verifying the identity of the applicant; Implementing Agency and the Project Monitoring Unit for review of deficiency, if any. Finally, MEA approves the scholarships for the applicants.

After receiving the final approval for scholarships, respective Indian Universities/Institutes shall inform the student of his/her final selection and subsequently enrol for initiation of academic life cycle. The selected candidates shall give their consent about acceptance of scholarship to the Indian University/Institute.

Valid National ID with photograph and Date of Birth is required for student verification. The National ID must have validity till the last date of enrolment.

You will be eligible to get a degree on completion of the programme if you successfully fulfil the Programme requirements, as prescribed by respective Indian University.


The scholarship amount by Grant from India covers entire degree programme fee including tuition fee, e-content charges, examination fee, other charges like registration fee, re-examination and award of degree etc. The scholarship amount shall be disbursed directly to the respective Indian University/Institute where the students are enrolled.

Criteria for continuation of scholarship is as follows:

In the First and Second Semester
The scholarship amount is paid to the Indian University/Institute semester-wise based on the invoices submitted by the Universities/Institutes. Scholarship amount for the first semester is released to the Indian Universities/Institutes upfront. Thereafter, scholarship amount for the second semester is released to the Indian Universities/Institutes at the start of the semester. However, this is subject to Universities/Institutes confirming that the student is active and has submitted at least a minimum number of assignments.
For Third and Subsequent Semesters
A definite performance criterion is being followed for continuing scholarship from third semester for the third and subsequent semesters of study which is based on the performance of students in previous semesters:
“ Scholarships for odd and even semesters shall be approved only if the student passed all previous odd and even semesters respectively. If the student is unable to complete this condition, then his/ her scholarship shall be deferred until such time he/she satisfies the conditions for scholarship. ”

Eligibility criteria for scholarship is given below:

Scholarships under e-VB are open to students from Afghanistan.
Country of Residence
The applicant should be national of Afghanistan.
As on July 01 of the particular academic year the age of the applicant should be as under
UG/PG - 18-35 Years
Academic Qualification
Candidates must possess minimum academic qualification for pursuing a particular programme/course, as defined by respective Indian Universities/Institutes. Applicants must check the eligibility criteria/ pre-requisites for admission to a particular programme/course on respective university portal and then apply.

Applicants must provide declaration to Indian Universities/Institutes that they are not enrolled in any other ongoing programme/ course under e-VB project.

[Note: Students who have already obtained a degree under e-VB project (at the time of announcement of new academic session) and willing to avail scholarship under e-VB project for pursuing another degree, may apply afresh through iLearn portal to process their application]

It should be the endeavour of each student to complete the UG, PG programmes within prescribed time period of 3 years, 2 years respectively. However, any relaxation will be strictly as per UGC guidelines.


Since the Course/ Programme content and assessments are all online, learners are free to log-in and do course work anytime, anywhere as long as they are connected to the internet.

Some courses may offer live sessions at the discretion of the course instructor. The learner may plan to attend these live sessions as per convenience. These sessions may be available as recorded videos for later viewing as well.

If you have queries for the course instructor, you can post them on the Discussion Forum and your instructor or peer group members will respond to your queries. All discussions on the Forum are moderated by the instructor.

Medium of instruction is English in all the empanelled Indian Universities. Applicants should therefore have adequate knowledge of English to the extent that they are able to read and write in English and comprehend lessons in English language without any difficulty.

The duration of different Programmes offered on the iLearn Portal is as follows:

  • Undergraduate Programmes: 3 years
  • Postgraduate Programmes: 2 years

ONLY one application per candidate is allowed in an academic session.

In case of any clarification related to new programme , the applicant may contact The applicants are also advised to stay tuned to our social media handles for latest updates.


The end- semester examinations are conducted by Universities using remotely proctored examination technologies i.e. Safe Exam Browser. Hence, students can give examinations at the comfort of their home, through laptop connected with internet.

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